Quality Audits
Quality Assurance Management and Quality Care Audits
Many companies recognise the benefits of external mock inspections in ensuring Care Quality Commission (CQC) / Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) / Care Inspectorate Scotland (CIS) and Ofsted compliance. Some clients with Quality Assurance contracts have their own internal quality teams and use our services to verify their existing processes are fit for purpose, others do not have such a team and bring Care Business Support in to undertake these visits to test their systems. Other organisations utilise Quality Assurance systems to ensure they are complaint ahead of their regulatory inspection allowing them time to address issues or ratify strengths. Quality Assurance visits ensure that your staff team understand the requirements of their regulator; they provide an ideal opportunity to train staff to look at the service with a critical eye. Our ongoing Quality Assurance schemes allow providers and their managers to have a point of contact for professional advice across a range of regulatory and service management matters.
- Working with services to ensure they provide high quality care and support.
- Supporting providers to maintain Good standards of care and work toward Outstanding.
Our quality care audits have been developed around the CQC Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOES) for adult social care and Quality Standards for Ofsted and will provide you with a transformational action plan to improve the outcomes for service users, young people, residents and children that you work with. Quality Audits will be conducted in a similar fashion to a CQC or Ofsted inspection. We will agree with you as a provider on the format and style of the audit based on your unique requirements.
Our quality care audits will provide you with an in-depth appraisal of your:
Domiciliary Care Agency
Supported Living Service
Semi-Independent Service
Children’s Home
or, so you can move your organisation to the next level.
From this you will be able to see how near or far you are from the required by the CQC.
- Audits can be one off or recurring ones depending on your organisational needs.
- The is an option for regular compliance visits in line with your annual audit plan. Compliance visits will focus on the Fundamental Standards and Key Lines of Enquiry, ( Safe, effective, responsive, caring and well-led); relating to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014